Hike and Photo Shoot

I love this picture of my parents.  They recently moved to Montana, and it has been wonderful to spend so much time with them.  This picture was taken last weekend.  The three of us went on a hike to an alpine lake.  We were hoping to see a whole string of lakes, but snow obscured the trail, so we only made it to the first one.  It was absolutely gorgeous.  We will definitely be trying the hike again next summer to see if we can find the other lakes when there isn't any snow to hinder us.

I decided to pack along two of the baby quilts I've been working on in case there were any good opportunities to photograph them.  My mom is a wonderful photographer, and she agreed to take pictures for me.  I'm grateful that my parents were willing to take the time for frequent stops and arranging of quilts.

We were able to get quite a few good pictures.  The two quilts that I brought along are for sisters.  The baby is due any day now.  The older sister was born before I started making baby quilts, and I decided that she needed a quilt, too.  The rail fence is for the older sister, and the other quilt is for the baby.  I'm glad we could get pictures of both quilts together.

These quilts are all but finished.  All that's left is to write on the label on the baby quilt.  Since the older sister has her name on her label, I want to put the baby's name on her label, too.  Of course, that means waiting until she's born to find out what her name will be.  I'm getting excited to send these off as soon as she arrives.

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