IG Quilt Fest - Week 1

Amy Ellis of Amy's Creative Side is hosting a month long quilt festival on Instagram. Each day she posts a photo prompt, and quilters around the world share an appropriate picture. It's amazing to see how many people are posting and the wide variety of things they are working on. Since most of my blog readers aren't Instagram users, I thought I would spread the love and share my pictures here. I hope you enjoy this peek into my quilty world.

Day 1: Introductions
My name is Bobbi Bridgeman. I live in Montana and I'm a bit obsessed with quilting. My favorite part is machine quilting, and my dreaded part is sewing the top together after the blocks are all made. I enjoy hand binding and I really like to take pictures of my quilts in the wild.

Day 2: Partner in Sewing Adventures
When I first read the title of this one, I thought she wanted us to post pictures of our pets. It turns out she actually wanted to see our machines! My partner for every stitch is my longarm quilting machine. I'm pretty lucky that my hubby graciously gave up the living room for my quilting business.
The quilt on the frame is Barbara Beller's rendition of En Provence by Bonnie Hunter. I'm quilting it all over with Hugo by Anne Bright.

Day 3: Where the Magic Happens
My office/sewing space is in the corner of my bedroom. It takes a bit of juggling to do everything on one 4' table, but I'm so grateful to have the dedicated space for my craft.

Day 4: Fast Finish
My fastest finish ever was this baby quilt. I found out the baby was a girl a week before the baby shower. It took some late nights, but I was able to turn two charm packs into a finished quilt just in time.

Day 5: Can't Live Without These Notions
My two favorite notions are my medium Perfect Scissors and Wonder Clips. The scissors are super sharp, and they're big and bright enough not to get lost when I set them on the quilt while I'm longarming. The clips are just all around handy. The longer I have them, the more often I find myself reaching for them.

Day 7: On the Cutting Mat
You may have noticed that I skipped day 6. That's because it asked for a pillow finish, and I've never made a pillow. Maybe I'll do that someday, but it's not high on my list.
So I went straight for day 7, which asked us to share a glimpse of our cutting table. Since trimming customer quilts is part of my longarm quilting service, I have to keep my cutting table clean. Most of the time it looks like this while it's waiting for the next quilt to be ready for trimming.

If you are on Instagram and would like to see more, you can find me at @snowydaysquilting. I generally keep up a steady stream of pictures of the quilts I'm longarming for my customers. If you would like to see the quilt festival or join in yourself, check out the hashtag #IGQuiltFest. All of the photo prompts are being posted by Amy Ellis at @amyscreativeside. Anyone can check out these links, so you can enjoy browsing even if you don't have an Instagram account.