350 Blocks Project: January Report

Shelly from Prairie Moon Quilts is hosting the 350 Blocks Project again this year.   The goal is to make 350 quilt blocks in 2016.  For me, it's less about the challenge, and more about seeing how much I am able to do in a year.  I have a lot of fun keeping track and looking back at what I've accomplished.  If you are interested in playing along, or just in seeing what everyone is up to, I encourage you to check it out.  All of the details can be found here, and the summary page is here.

Personally, I did not complete very many blocks last month.  My focus for the month was to complete the pieced backing for my Easy Street quilt.  I'm thrilled to say that I was able to achieve that!  Here it is, all sewn together:

Quite a few of these blocks were completed in December, so they went towards last year's count.  You can see the details of that (and a shot of the front of the quilt) here.  I completed 11 more blocks and sewed everything together in January.  That puts me behind the curve for the month, but I'm really pleased with what I accomplished.