Finished Quilt: Rainbow Talkin' Turkey

If you caught my last post about how I organize my quilt projects, you may have noticed that I’ve fallen pretty far behind in sharing my finishes here on the blog. I’m planning to remedy that over the next year, and I thought I’d start today with my rainbow Talkin’ Turkey quilt. The pattern is from Bonnie Hunter’s book String Fling.

I started this quilt at a fantastic workshop with Bonnie. I was going to guess the workshop was in 2017, but my blog shows it was actually 2016! It’s crazy how time flies. If you’d like to see more on the process behind this quilt and what goes on in a workshop, check out this post.

I knew immediately who I wanted to make this for. My friend’s first little girl was just a few months old, but I had a pretty good idea that another child would eventually follow. I thought this quilt would be perfect for her second baby.

With so many pieces, it was a good thing to start this early! By the time Christina announced her second pregnancy, I had already made a good bit of progress. I was able to finish it up and ship it off soon after her son was born.

I quilted this with Winds of Change by Patricia Ritter. I just love the little spikes mixed in with the swirls! Of course, I just had to use a variegated thread. I chose Joseph’s Coat by King Tut (available in spools and cones).

I had so much fun making this quilt. Laying it out with just 16 blocks made it the perfect size for a baby to grow into (58 1/2 inches square). Hopefully he will enjoy it well into childhood.

Making this quilt, I learned just how much I love the rainbow on black color scheme. It’s one I want to revisit someday. In fact, I already have plans for my next rainbow on black quilt, but it may be a while before it makes its way to the top of my list.

What about you? Do you like rainbow on black? Or do you have another favorite go-to color scheme for baby quilts when you don’t know the gender? Leave me a comment and let me know! It always makes my day to hear from you.

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